
Whether you're selling properties, securing your clients with the right insurances for your needs or starring in the YouTube program (Bienvenidos A Casa), Emporio Home Services is always inspiring and inspired. It is run by a charismatic and compassionate businesswoman who cares deeply about her clients, her family, her job, and her community, Dimarie's love for all her efforts shines through and is the secret to her success. 

As one of Florida's leading Insurance and Real Estate experts, she is known  to her Acquaintances and clients for her integrity, perseverance, and high-level negotiation skills, along with her deep-seated personality and infectious enthusiasm. Dimarie is committed to providing unmatched service, responsive communication, and meticulous attention to detail and transparency in every transaction, all with exceptional results for its clients. 

Dimarie is sought after by local, national and international clients alike.  She is particularly adept when it comes to helping foreign and local buyers. Your Welcome Home Program and Affiliation to La Rosa Realty allows you to offer unrivaled media and marketing opportunities backed by Florida's leading luxury real estate brand. Dimarie's dedication to personalized service exceeds the expectations of even the most demanding buyers and sellers, placing their needs above all else, a priority that has been attributed to the growth of loyal Customers throughout their Careers. 

Beyond the inspiration she receives from her clients and her real estate  practice, Dimarie is also inspired by her 3 children and 8 grandchildren, her daily practice of prayer and her eternal love for her community.  Dimarie is committed to giving back to her community and inspiring others. She serves as a motivational speaker for a variety of groups, donating a portion of all her commissions, Time and Talent to The House of Self-Esteem  and Iglesia Sin Paredes among other non-profit organizations that provide help, wellness and services.